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Speed & Consumption Claims- “Optimum Voyage” presentation

Updated: 10 hours ago

Glad to announce that I conducted a presentation for Optimum Voyage (, an established weather routing company, on speed & Consumption claims, with an extensive analysis of published LMAA decisions, including debatable issues in the charter negotiations or the WP settlement negotiations between the parties & their representatives.

I thank Optimum Voyage for the invitation to discuss the present & future challenges in speed and consumption claims and their genuine feedback on their applied methodologies to objectively assess the vessel’s performance.

Below is a short video presentation highlighting only some of the topics discussed:

Speed & Consumption Claims presentation, London Arbitration decisions, Prokopios Krikris

The background sound comes from a video the master presented to justify the slow steaming because of the adverse weather or, as an experienced engineer arbitrator wrote decades ago, “The said momentum is lost by having to ride the waves” C. Barclay (1974).

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